Monday, December 15, 2008

My Bad....

Ok, so apparently I'm really bad at this blogging thing. It likely doesn't help that we don't have internet at home yet either. I talked with the people at YourLink earlier this week and right now they have have 5-8 week waiting list!! YIKES! I called 3 weeks ago so hopefully we can get high speed early in the new year. I'm going crazy without my computer at home.

Life on the farm has been just on the farm. As much as I hate this freezing cold weather (-35C without the wind here) I still enjoy heading out to feed the horses everyday. My neighbours think I'm crazy but it gives me time to bond with "my girls" and just get outside for a bit. The one thing I don't like is hauling water....I cannot wait until next year when I have an automatic waterer!!! Right now we have a heated bucket (which was frozen this morning I might add) that I fill once a day. It does the job but since our hydrant is now frozen I'm hauling water from the house which is not very fun.

On another note, it was confirmed this weekend that we will be adopting another dog! Virgo is currently living in Kansas City and will make the 2 day trip up here early in the New Year. Quinn and I had brielfy discussed getting another dog to keep Chevy company during the day but it wasn't until I read Virgo's story that I decided I needed to help her out. To make a long story short, Virgo's owner could no longer take care of her and was seeking someone to adopt her so she did not have to go a shelter. I am hoping the weather will warm up before she arrives, I doubt she has ever seen weather this cold before, but if not we will do our best to keep her warm while she makes the adjustment. Quinn and I cannot wait to meet Virgo and welcome her into our family! If you know of anyone who lives between Kansas and Tisdale, SK and may be willing to join a transport chain, please let me know.

Lastly I must post about our Christmas tree. Since I am currently living with the Grinch, I am in charge of the tree. I coaxed the Grinch to help me stand it up in our living room, however the darn thing keeps falling over. Its currently proped against the wall, waiting for me to figure out a way to make it stand. I'm scared to decorate it because I don't want to break everything when it falls over. *Sigh* Hopefully I can get it decorated before Christmas!!!!!!

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